While CHF provides great scholarship opportunities, post-secondary education comes with a lot of costs, and you students may be looking for additional resources. Well, you are in luck! The CIRI Education Foundation compiles a list of many scholarship and grant opportunities that pertain to Alaska Natives and Native Americans and places them into an easy-to-use handbook. You can view other scholarships from the Chugach region as well as others from across the United States. They have posted their 2021-2022 Educational Resource Handbook, which you can find here.
As a reminder, the remaining scholarship deadlines for 2021 are as follows:
June 30th – 2021-2022 New Graduate/PhD Submissions
August 29th - Fall 2021 Term - College Scholarship
December 31st - Winter/Spring 2022 Terms – College/Graduate/PhD, and the Barney Uhart Memorial Scholarship
Visit the CHF Scholarship Portal at scholarships.chugach.com to apply!
Let us know if you have you have any questions regarding application submissions or see if you can find your answers on our FAQ page.